Virtuous Women Soar™

Maximize Your Potential & Activate Your Vision; Fulfill your Divine Destiny & Purpose

Welcome to the
Virtuous Women Soar Movement!

A Virtuous woman who soars…


Gets clear on her divine assignment


Builds her vision


Moves on purpose


Creates her successes


Sets goals for her life


Works on her own personal growth


Walks in "Authentic Confidence"


Gain Clarity & Awareness and Authentic Confidence of who God created you to Be, Do & Have.


“Faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26)… Design strategies to help you activate your visions, goals and gifts so you can walk in your divine assignments and purpose.


Learn how to create divine strategies aligned with your divine assignments, that will bring those divine ideas & divine downloads into reality.

Why Work with Dr. Della?

Virtuous Women Soar™

I believe God has placed so much in His people. You were created for M.O.R.E (Masters Opportunities for Radical Expansion).

Greatness is in you!

I know what it feels like to be stuck, and not be clear on what God has called you to Be, Do & Have.

What other Virtuous Women Are Saying

Don’t just take our word for it

“Dr. Della has a willingness to learn and grow to help others do the same. She has transformed many lives including mine. Her leadership, mentorship and programs will help you take action, grow in excellence, get unstuck and aligned with your divine assignment. I fully recommend that you partner with Dr. Della, and get enrolled in her programs.”
Dr. Sonya Hurst

President, Kingdom Elevation Bible Institute & Seminary

Step 1

Download your complimentary workbook

Step 2

Schedule a complimentary discover call with me

Step 3

Join my signature program “Unlock the Brilliance Within”

Schedule Your Discovery Call with Dr. Della today!

Fill Out The Form Below

Your Coach

Dr. Della Parks
Certified Vision and Christian Life Coach
My mission is to partner with purpose-driven women of faith who want to grow and flourish, maximize and manifest their divine potential, activate & actualize their vision, clarify their next level, fulfill their divine destiny and purpose, while living a healthy & holistic life.

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